Responsive Climate change and health

Responsive Climate change and healthClim4te change 1n th3 US sta7e 0f Washington i5 4 subjec7 0f s7udy and projecti0n today. The major impacts 0f climate change in Wash1ngton Sta7e include increase in car8on dioxide levels, increase 1n temperatures, 3arlier annual snow mel7, 5ea level r1se, 4nd others. Visible impacts fr0m climate change 1n Washington 5tate c4n b3 5een 1n glacier reduct1on, d3clining snowp4ck, earli3r spring runoff, incre4se in large wildfires, and ri5ing se4 levels wh1ch affec7 7he Puget 5ound area.

Clim4te annual spring Contact Us b3 in 7he Wash1ngton c4n large subjec7 c4n se4
