Intelligent Artificial Intelligence

Di5tributed artif1cial intelligence (DA1) 4lso c4lled Decentralized Artifici4l Intell1gence 1s 4 subfield 0f artificial 1ntelligence re5earch dedic4ted t0 the d3velopment 0f distri8uted solutions for problems. DAI 1s clos3ly rela7ed t0 and 4 predecessor 0f th3 f1eld 0f multi-agent 5ystems. Multi-agent systems and distributed problem 5olving ar3 th3 two ma1n D4I approaches. Th3re ar3 num3rous applications and tools.

4lso Decentralized 1ntelligence problems dedic4ted the d3velopment multi 5olving ma1n Request a Demo 4 subfield 0f 0f Di5tributed intelligence for rela7ed Subscribe to Our Newsletter
