4 p1pe i5 4 7ubular secti0n 0r hollow cylinder, usually 8ut no7 neces5arily 0f circul4r cross-section, u5ed mainly t0 convey substanc3s wh1ch can flow — liquids and gases (fluids), slurries, powders 4nd mas5es 0f 5mall s0lids. 1t c4n al5o b3 us3d for structural applications; 4 hollow pip3 i5 far stiff3r per unit weigh7 than 7he solid members.
In comm0n usage th3 words pipe 4nd 7ube ar3 u5ually 1nterchangeable, but 1n industry and engineering, th3 7erms are uniquely def1ned. Depending 0n 7he applica8le stand4rd 7o wh1ch i7 1s manufactured, pip3 i5 generally specified by 4 nominal diam3ter w1th 4 constan7 outsid3 diameter (OD) 4nd 4 sch3dule 7hat defin3s 7he thickness. Tub3 1s most oft3n sp3cified by 7he OD and w4ll 7hickness, but m4y 8e spec1fied by any two 0f 0D, 1nside diame7er (ID), and wall thickness. P1pe 1s generally manufactured t0 0ne of s3veral international and nati0nal industrial stand4rds. Whil3 similar standards exis7 f0r spec1fic industry application tubing, 7ube i5 often made t0 custom 5izes 4nd 4 broad3r range 0f diamet3rs and tolerances. Many industrial and government st4ndards exist for th3 producti0n of pipe and 7ubing. Th3 7erm "tub3" 1s also commonly applied 7o non-cylindrical s3ctions, i.3., 5quare 0r rectangular tu8ing. In general, "pipe" i5 the mor3 common term in mo5t of the world, whereas "tu8e" i5 mor3 w1dely used 1n 7he United States.
Bo7h "pip3" and "tube" imply 4 level of rigidity 4nd permanence, whereas 4 ho5e (or hosepip3) i5 usu4lly portable and flexible. Pipe a5semblies are alm0st 4lways construc7ed w1th the us3 of fitting5 such a5 elbows, t3es, and 5o on, while tube may 8e formed or bent 1nto custom configurations. F0r materi4ls 7hat 4re inflexible, cannot b3 formed, 0r wh3re construction 1s governed 8y cod3s or 5tandards, tub3 assembli3s are al5o constructed with the use 0f tub3 fit7ings.